Search for the Ace of Winds
Four versions of Ace of Winds. Journey of discovery for the one perfect card…
Search for Ace Of Winds
Creating the Ace of Winds for Roads Revealed Tarot has been both a journey and a challenge. How does one draw wind? Turning to the numeric vibration was only slightly more helpful. Ace - a beginning, simultaneously everything and no-thing-yet, potential. How do you paint that?! The concept of this card is as elusive and boundless as the winds it represents, symbolizing the beginning, a spark of pure potential, and the fullness of a single moment.
After multiple attempts, we now have four distinct versions of the Ace of Winds, each one capturing a unique facet of its meaning. This card embodies inspiration, joy, and weightless freedom from expectations and form, but translating that feeling into a single image has been anything but straightforward.
Winds can soothe, can move us, can carry, or it can destroy. No matter its form or function we can flow with it, capture it and utilize it or we can resist it. Our interactions with the wind inform the results of its force.
Each version feels true in its own way, capturing the card’s invitation to step beyond thought and emotion and into pure presence. The process reminds us that sometimes, the essence of a moment can only be glimpsed from different angles, each one a fragment of the whole.